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Our Newsletter Is Back!

January 12, 2024

I’m excited to announce the official reboot of Block 81 Insights. Subscribers to this newsletter will get info written by me about design, web development, and to a lesser extent, tech in general.

It’s been at least 5 years, if not more, since I sent out my last issue of my email newsletter, Block 81. I had intended to bring it back in 2020 thinking that, like so many people during the COVID-19 pandemic, I would have a slow down in work. I was very, very fortunate and my workload increased which meant I had to put Insights in the backlog.

My workload and business overall hasn’t decreased (knock on wood) since 2020. And as a productivity nerd, I’ve refined and honed my productivity systems to not only be more efficient and have a balanced life, but also to set boundaries and protect time for me and for working onmy business as well as side projects. That has resulted in being able to plan out the reboot of Block 81 Insights, among other things.

So with that all said, I’m excited to announce the official reboot of Block 81 Insights. Subscribers to this newsletter will get info written by me about design, web development, and to a lesser extent, tech in general. Because I don’t want to over-commit myself, issues will go out once a quarter, filled with thoughts on the above topics, as well as work and blog highlights, and industry news that could impact your business. And of course, it’s 100% free and I won’t spam you.

Interested? Sign up here to get every issue in your inbox (the first goes out in February).