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Pro Email Marketing Tips

March 12, 2018

Email marketing offers the highest ROI among digital marketing strategies, driven by the frequent email-checking habits of employees and consumers, but starting can feel overwhelming; fortunately, a few tips can guide you to success.

You may know email marketing has the highest ROI out of any digital marketing strategy. Some reports indicate marketers receive a 4400$ ROI or a $44 return for every $1 spent, which is well above any ROI for any other type of marketing tactic. In fact, that awesome bit of information may be what prompted you to dip your toes into email marketing in the first place.

You may have also decided to get into email marketing upon learning how often employees and consumers check their inboxes. If you need a little refresher on this information, the average employee checks email 74X in a single day for an eight hour work day. This steady reliance on email is great news for all B2B companies.

Furthermore, consumers aren’t lagging far behind when it comes to continually refreshing their inbox page. Stats from BlueHornet show consumers check their smartphones more than 150 times a day, 33.8% of consumers check their email accounts throughout the day, and 39% of consumers check their emails 1-3 times a day.

There is a huge audience of both employees and consumers just waiting for an email from your organization.

What you might not know when embarking upon this new journey, however, is how to actually get started. As an email marketing newbie, the whole process can seem overwhelming and you may have any and all of the following questions:

  • What email provider should you use?
  • What are the best practices?
  • What are the smartest tips to get started?
  • What are the most important parts of the email to get right?
  • How should you design your campaign template?

Thankfully, there are plenty of professionals in the email marketing world willing to give you advice for free. Here are the best tips from 11 of the best marketers in the business. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to sending out your first killer email campaign.