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How To Choose A Web Developer (podcast)

September 6, 2019

Choosing a web developer can be an overwhelming task. Learn what to look for in this episode from the Website 101 podcast.

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Choosing a web developer can be an overwhelming task. If you've had the good fortune of working with a reliable and responsive website developer, it's a bit easier. But if you're ready to move on and find a new developer, it can be challenging.

Back in July I had the opportunity to share my thoughts on this very topic on the Website 101 podcast!

We cover:

  • Why price is not the bottom line you should focus on
  • How a web developer should understand your business and your business goals for your website
  • How a good developer won't talk in web jargon mumbo jumbo
  • And why a project's starting point shouldn't be technology

⁠Give it a listen!⁠

The Website 101 podcast is for small business owners who want to learn more about running and optimizing their website. Sean and Mike cover great topics and interview industry experts.